COVID-19 Resources
We are all doing our best to pull together as a community and overcome this pandemic --- these resources should be helpful in navigating the responses from federal, state, and local government, and includes other resources from non-profit organizations and business groups. If you have additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Representative Sirota.
Public Health Information
Tri-County Health Department (Adams, Arapahoe & Douglas Counties)
State of Colorado COVID hub page –
COVID-19 testing (Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment)
For other, general questions about COVID-19 call CO HELP at 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911, for answers in many languages, or email for answers in English.
Information for employers, employees & businesses
Unemployment insurance FAQs (Colorado Department of Labor & Employment)​​
Connecting Colorado – Colorado Workforce Center – resource for job seekers
COVID-19 business resource center (Office of Economic Development & International Trade)
Economic Injury Hotline – 303-860-5881. (Assistance available in Spanish and Somali as well)
Contact Small Business Navigator –
Economic Injury Disaster Loans available for small businesses. See for more
Denver Chamber of Commerce COVID-19 Business Resource Center
Guidance about insurance policies & claims during COVID (Colorado Division of Insurance)
Insurance information in FAQ format (Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies)
Information for holders of professional licensees and consumers (Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies)
City of Denver Resources
Denver Public Schools: COVID-19 has closed down K-12 schools in Denver, Colorado, and across the nation, putting students in a remote participation situation. DPS has worked hard to continue providing meals to those who need breakfast, lunch or dinner. Breakfast and lunch are available from 11 AM - 12:30 PM, Monday - Friday, and dinner is available from 3:30 - 5:30 PM. For students who need access to laptops at home, email and DPS will provide your student with a Chromebook. Other resources for DPS families and students can be found here.
Domestic Violence: Tip sheet that outlines key steps in advocating for survivors' continued access to mental health and substance use services and medication, from the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health. If you or someone you know is in an unsafe living arrangement, call Safe Shelter at (303) 772-0432, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233.
2-1-1: Anyone needing access to shelter or anyone who encounters someone who needs shelter access between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday can call 2-1-1 to be connected to available resources, including transportation assistance for those who are homeless and have disabilities.
How you can help individuals experiencing homelessness: Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Arapahoe County Local Information
Arapahoe County – Comprehensive list of available resources here. Status of county offices/services here.
Other Assistance
Child Care Assistance – Referrals via Colorado Shines (project of Mile High United Way)
Early Childhood and the CARES Act - Colorado Children's Campaign
Food resources – Hunger Free Colorado. Apply for SNAP (food assistance) benefits here
Philanthropic Assistance – Philanthropy Colorado has an extensive and frequently updated list of opportunities here.
Internet Connectivity – With most in-person activities being moved online (if even possible), internet access is even more important than before. Some companies have low cost options available for certain customers – here is one –
Federal Government Agency Information
U.S. Treasury information on CARES Act (relief bill) implementation
IRS – information on economic impact payments and tax filing deadlines
Small Business Administration disaster assistance
Small Business Administration COVID-19 small business guidance and loan resources